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Have a question or need some advice on your child’s learning journey? Have your question answered by our early childhood care and education specialists!
For any urgent enquiries, please call us at 6244 1829.

Register Interest Form
Children experience the following basic routines on a daily basis on top of the programme coverage:
- Health and body check upon arrival
- 3 times daily temperature taking
- 3 meals a day
- Assembly
- Outdoor play
- Shower
The teacher-child ratio observed at Iman is based on regulation requirements stipulated by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA).
Yes, our teachers are qualified and trained in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) according to regulation requirements stipulated by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA). Our dedicated teachers bring with them valuable experience and love for children as well as passion to challenge children’s curious minds.
Children experience the following basic routines on a daily basis on top of the programme coverage:
- Health and body check upon arrival
- Assembly
- Breakfast
- Outdoor Play
- Shower
- Lunch
- Temperature check before nap
Our Menu
Yes, we do. Our meals comprise nutritious food prepared in a healthy, safe and hygienic manner and halal sources. We respect the dietary requirements of different ethnic/ religious groups and cultural concerns. The practice of different culture customs develops self-esteem and cultural awareness for all children. We do not serve pork and pork-related items, beef and mutton to children. Outside food is not allowed within our premises.
Prior to enrolment, parents shall inform us of their children’s special dietary requirements, for medical or religious reasons. The type of food to be consumed and/or avoided must be recorded in the registration and Allergy Notification forms so that the information is duly communicated to all staff.
Parents will continue to enjoy a Basic Subsidy at the current rates of up to $300 for child care respectively.
Working Mothers will continue to enjoy a Basic Subsidy of $300 for a full day child care programme.
To apply for the Additional Subsidy you should be a mother working 56 hours or more per month, have Singapore citizen child enrolled in a licensed child care centre in Singapore, and your monthly income should not exceed $12,000
No, stay-at- home mothers are not eligible for the Additional Subsidy. They will continue to receive a Basic Subsidy of up to $150 per month. Non-working mothers are also eligible for other forms of assistance such as the Baby Bonus and Child Development Account Matched Savings Scheme which can be used to defray preschool expenses.
Other Enquiries
Yes, a year-end concert and graduation ceremony is organised tentatively in the fourth quarter of the year; in accordance to Safety Measurements.
We nurture learning dispositions (positive behaviours and attitudes) and cultural values in children through activities that raise children’s awareness and develop their understanding of other cultures, enable children to recognise various situations and cultures through fictional characters, real-life personalities as well as people in children’s lives and encourage children to respect other cultures.
The curriculum aims to nurture the children holistically so that they are confident, have strong social skills and good foundation in literacy and numeracy. This will lay the foundation for their future learning and facilitate their transition to primary school.